Destiny 2 Witch Queen
Collector’s Edition
The Concept
You are part of an elite team located in the snowy frigid moon of Jupiter, and your mission is to find and decode clues to help the Guardians in their quest. Equipped with an analog decoder that harkens back to the 50’s, you are able to adjust the frequencies in just the right way to unlock secrets hidden in everyday objects…unlocking their memories!
The Creation
Once powered on, the decoder warms up to maintain a low frequency humm… and when it comes in contact with an inanimate memory, it trips, letting you know to start dialing in frequencies to unlock it. Success comes in the form of an audible message that you can send to your team to help!
The decoder and all paraphernalia come nicely packaged in a survival bag, and even includes a custom designed water bottle.
The Execution
To say that this CE was a labor of love would be an understatement. We even had to register it with the FCC for compliance in communication devices!
The amount of interactivity that this CE fostered bridged the gap from beautiful artifact and figure to truly uncovering lore and clues that will actually help you succeed in-game! In essence it is a game-changer!